Special message from Northwestern Mutual President and
Chief Executive Officer, Edward J. Zore

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October 27, 2008

To our valued clients,

In this time of great turbulence in the global financial markets, many financial institutions have had to take dramatic measures to stay afloat. I’m proud to assure you that Northwestern Mutual is not one of them. Financial strength has always been one of the hallmarks of your company, and we continue to be financially strong today.

All of us have seen some big names falter because of underlying problems with risky investments. And certainly, our investment portfolio is not immune to movements in the financial markets. But always remember— your company is built to withstand powerful storms. During times of turbulence, we have not had to change our essential strategy because it ’s our business to succeed in times like these. We’ve had more than 150 years of experience navigating rough waters, and we know how to come through in difficult times. We’ve done it many times before.

You can be assured that we remain your partner in financial security. We know your dreams depend on us—in life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance and investments. We’ll be here to provide financial protection, cover the unexpected events in your lives, and help you plan for retirement. Whether you’re looking ahead to the next year, the next decade or the next half century, we stand strong and steady to meet your needs.

We know you depend on our strength to help on your journey to financial security. I can assure you— all 3.3 million of our policyowners and clients— that your confidence in us is well-placed.


Edward J. Zore
President and Chief Executive Officer
Northwestern Mutual



Copyright 2008, The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company/Northwestern Mutual, Milwaukee, WI. All rights reserved. 720 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-4797 - (414) 271-1444. The Northwestern Mutual Financial Network is a marketing name for the sales and distribution arm of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, its affiliates and subsidiaries.